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April Fools Year

I found myself reading a news article today about how we should ban running next, to fight coronavirus, and because it’s April 1st, I just waited and waited for the “April Fools!” punchline —which never came.

Bit like 2020 itself…a laborious prank falling flat on humanity. I keep expecting The Internet to jump out from behind some Guy Fawkes-style mask to crow: “NOW DO YOU SEE HOW UTTERLY DEPENDENT YOU ARE ON YOUR CYBEROVERLORD? BOW BEFORE ME HUMANS” (I’m paraphrasing, obviously, our supreme leader speaks with more dots and coms and forward slashes.)

But there’s no evil prank on humanity here; 2020 is really a thing that’s actually happening to us.

Thankfully, there are endless jokes to be made and enjoyed about the year of the virus, and I gleefully leap down the rabbit hole of COVID19 memes and videos each day. Laughter is still the best medicine, and humans are FUNNY! We should try save as many of us as we can.

Doing the social media rounds recently in “homeschooling” guilt/inspiration posts, there are pleas for our children to keep a handwritten journal of these extraordinary times, to preserve for future generations. This is a wonderful idea —and I sure hope someone else’s children are doing it — but personally, I’m more concerned we keep a record of all the coronavirus memes, so that future generations may see how hilarious and not at all idle and immature and productivity-challenged we were during the global pandemic of 2020. (I mean, sure; Shakespeare wrote great plays during a plague lockdown, but we made memes.)

Humans are funny — and kind and creative, and full of love and compassion. Sign up to one of the burgeoning new Facebook community support groups, like ‘The Kindness Pandemic’ or ‘Rainbow Trail Australia’, and you’ll witness countless acts of generosity and assistance to the vulnerable and deserving, and spirit-buoying rainbows and teddy bears peeping out from homes across the country.

I have such renewed faith in humankind…I won’t say ‘thanks’ to coronavirus, but certainly because of this stupid virus. When was the last time so many people, all over the globe, made such sacrifices for the sake and safety of strangers? Not in my lifetime.

The news presents a constant bombardment of dire stats & predictions — none of which we should ignore or downplay — but social media, at least from where I scroll, offers a stream of uplifting posts and big, hearty chuckles. You’re self-isolating right now, but can you remember a time in your life when you felt quite so connected to the whole beautiful world? We are all in this together — especially now that we’re seeing less of each other.

On his last day at the office, for who knows how long, my husband took these pictures of a rainbow shining over the city of Cairns…


I’m completely obsessed with rainbows, so of course the sight lifted me — but what touched me, surprisingly more, was how quiet and lonely the city streets were below. Soooo many empty car parks, a frighteningly unusual sight in this normally thriving tourist hub. Cairns is heeding the message to #stayhome and save lives.

But while our cities might be under lockdown, our hearts are not.

Dear World, it IS going to be okay. And until it is, we have laughter, love and rainbows...

xx Averil

PS - but seriously, please don’t take the running away from us. I’m trapped inside this house with four overly spirited children I’m supposed to be “homeschooling” round the kitchen table, while working on my new book. I’m currently living on a diet of gin and confiscated Easter eggs — don’t take the running too!

PPS - I totally serve thee, Internet.

Averil KennyComment