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My Dearest Reader,

Forgive me the recent pause, I’ve been most busy promoting my debut novel, while editing my second. What a incredible place to find myself, going between talking about one published novel, while shaping and polishing up the second…


I can never decide which book I love most - both stories have so much of my heart invested! Let’s just say, whatever novel I’m currently talking about/working on, is my current favourite. My husband, Mum, and my Bossiest Beta Reader — Kate — both confess (under duress) that they love Book 2 just a tiny fraction more than Book 1, so that has kept me from indulging too much in self-doubt re Second Book Syndrome. At least…for now. Mind you; Hubby, Mum & Kate are not allowed to express a preference for one novel over the other. They have to love both books exactly the same, and may not praise any aspect of one, without quickly highlighting an equal merit in the other. FYI, this is not exhausting for them, but even if it was, you know the saying: Happy Writer, Happy Life!

(By the way, I will be back in here to announce a title for my second novel, v. soon!)

But I’ve come here this evening with some splendiferous news to share with you about Those Hamilton Sisters

Guess. what.

My debut novel is OUT now in the UK! Woo hoo!!! My novel beat me there, for I’ve always, always dreamed of going to the UK. Sigh. But it gives me such a warm, glowing joy knowing my book has reached those shores on my behalf. (If you happen to spot my novel in a UK bookstore or library, I would love to see a pic! You can tag me on social media at @averilkennyauthor )

So, here is the absolutely gorgeous cover of the UK edition of Those Hamilton Sisters, published by Zaffre


Isn’t it divine!? I love: the dreamy, light-soaked feel of this cover; the lush tropical colours (believe me, our colours in a monsoonal summer are oversaturated in every sense of the word); and I especially adore the all-important red hues of the girls’ hair. You see? Each Hamilton sister has inherited some measure of their bright and brilliant mother, Esther Hamilton.

I have been so incredibly lucky with my amazing cover designs, and I have several copies of my new editions displayed in my beloved library, alongside the Aussie editions. (May I one day have to build a whole new library just to display all the covers I love.)

Folks, I cannot believe I am now an internationally published author.

I mean, there are dreams…and then there are WILDEST dreams that are frankly hard to take in.

A million thanks to the amazing team of incredibly talented people at Bonnier Books UK for bringing Those Hamilton Sisters into the world.

Well, I’d better get to making dinner. We are currently in COVID lockdown here in Far North Queensland, so my routine is now completely out of whack with home learning etc.

I hope you’re safe, healthy & taking care of yourself, wherever you are in the world.

Internationally yours,

xx Averil

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